Rocky Mountain Fire Company


To apply, please complete the form below. No experience necessary for new recruits.. If you have any questions about the application, position, or hiring process please contact or call 406-240-2801



INTRODUCTION. Rocky Mountain Fire Company has advertised to hire firefighters for the past 25 years. We also have observed other company’s similar efforts. Often information is short of demand.  RMFC has implemented a full digital management system. With this system, we have included the following discloser of our company employment information. The intent of this disclosure is to provide necessary employment information for you to determine if RMFC is the right company for you. We are still available for questions.

SCOPE OF OPERATIONS. RMFC historically operates within the 11 western states. RMFC has been an active Private Fire Service Contractor for 25 years. For the 2024 fire season we will operate Engines and  20-person crews.

COMPANY COMPLIANCE. As a Company, we are in full compliance with workers compensation , Federal, State, and VIPR specifications, US DOT regulations, both State of Montana and US Dept. of Labor laws.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY. We maintain a diversified workforce based upon a nondiscrimination hiring policy. Our company demands we treat each other with dignity and respect. Harassment or hazing in any form is not tolerated.

HIRING PROCESS. Please apply on the Employment tab on website . Applicants who meet minimum qualifications for the position will be referred to the RMFC Hiring Committee. 

COMPENSATION.  We pay by the hour in accordance with Dept. of Labor law. We pay within 10 days of a completed pay period. Each pay period consists of 2-work weeks. Each work week starts at 00:01 hours on Sunday and ends at 24:00 hours Saturday. The First 40 hours in the work week is paid at straight time,  (base rate). A $5.00 per hour benefit package is also paid for these first 40 hours. All hours in excess of the first 40 hours is paid at 1.5 times base rate. RMFC pays for travel lodging and meals. Meal rate is limited to actual cost not to exceeds $45.00.

TRAINING AND PROMOTION, Our preference is to promote  qualified employees from within the company to fill vacant positions. To this end, RMFC maintains a cadre of outstanding trainers who operate under a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Northern Rockies Coordinating Group (NRCG). All completed courses meet NWCG 310-1 standards acceptable nationwide by all agencies. Our employees qualify for admission to RMFC conducted training courses to prepare for advancement and to increase employee professionalism.

DRUGS AND ALCOHOL.  RMFC maintains a drug free company.  Employees are subject to testing and background checks. If you need a beer after every shift we suggest you not apply.

DRIVER REQUIREMENTS.  All drivers must be 21 years or older in age.  All drivers are included in a random drug testing pool. All drivers must posses a valid drivers license, US DOT Medical and comply with US DOL regulations for drivers. Drivers must complete  the  US DOT application for the position.  Drivers are subject to check rides with the company driver trainer.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE).  RMFC issues PPE to each employee including 2 sets Nomex shirts and pants, Hard hat, leather gloves, headlamp, first aid kit, safety googles, and fire shelter with a line pack. We also issue a 4-person tent. The employee is expected to have acceptable fire boots that meet USFS  agreement specs. personal sleeping bag, sufficient personal kit, underwear and socks to last a 15 day assignment. Information on recommended personnel requirements are provided to new employees at time of hire. Personal gear should not exceed 45 pounds.

SAFETYFirefighting is hard work. we have room for professional only. We adhere to National Fire Safety practices. We are proud of the safety record achieved by our employees during the past 25 years. We support our employees with advanced training, on-the-job supervision, all required PPE, and maintain our equipment to the highest standard. Our people are the best.